Family Collage

Family Collage
Lots of Love in this Bunch!
*The compositions herein are not to be copied, reproduced, printed, published, posted, displayed, incorporated, stored in or scanned into a retrieval system or database, transmitted, broadcast, bartered or sold, in whole or in part without the prior express written permissions of the sole author Tory Minus. Unauthorized duplication is strictly prohibited and is an infringement of National and International Copyright Laws.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Getting my feet wet!

Today is the day that I am officially a blogger, and after several rounds with the profile tutorial, I seem to be getting the hang of it. My goal for this blog is not to bore everyone with tales from the Minus household (although I'm certain some of this will pop-up at times!), but to share my thoughts and opinions with my fellow writers. I can't wait to begin!


  1. Tory, Your dad and I are extremely proud of your very first novel. I know when you acquire an agent, the readers are going to be thrilled. Can't wait to see it in the book stores.

  2. Tory i think u have what it takes to be a great writer.And im sure your first venture with this novel is going to be one of the greatest accomplishments of your life!I already kno its gona be awesome, now all i have to do is read it.-Lencie Carmona

  3. Tori, I was captivated the moment I began reading your blog! I'm excited to watch as it becomes a greatest seller!! Milisa

  4. Tory, follow your dreams always! This is great! Honored to say we've been friends since we were 5! Can't wait for the novel. Love you. Jennifer Walley

  5. Tory, Congrats again!!! As your friends and community family...We are so very proud of you! I just cant wait to see it on book selves. I know you are so proud, and anxious too! Wish you the BEST! You have what it takes, and people will see that!!!! Love ya, Lene`

  6. Wow! Where in the world have you found the time to write??? I am impressed and proud of you! Can't wait to read it!! You go girl!!

  7. Hey Dear. . .
    'Ole Pop Here' know I love you and your Sis so very much. I am extremely proud of your work thus far. . .I have to claim part responsible because you have seen SOME of my writings. . .so have Tera and Bran! But. . .you enamor me with the thoughts you have placed into the novel. Callie, Scot and the rest are so filled with teenage fivolness! It seems so typical from what I can see. . .and very inspiring! I love you so much. . .DREAMS ARE THOUGHTS THAT CERTAINLY CAN BECOME REALITY! Dad
