Although in the beginning I promised not to bore you all with cheesy updates about our motley crew, yet somehow, I knew this weekend would be the exception. Therefore, today with great effort to entertain and not bore, I give you the five things I learned while visiting my in-laws for Easter weekend:
1.) Wireless router is my friend!
2.) I really, really should pack two boxes of Band-Aids when traveling with our fearless kids.
3.) It is impossible to start a new book (Dark Secrets #1 by Elizabeth Chandler) when four children are hyped on jellybeans, chocolate Cadbury eggs, and Cousin Susie's delicious brownies.
4.) Never polish toenails or shape eyebrows while your husband is driving down the road screaming at the kids to be quiet (Yes, sadly this was the best opportunity to do these tedious things!). For some odd reason, I believe we could pass as the Griswolds!
5.) And most importantly, always take your three-year-old to potty before Easter Sunday Communion begins (Of course, Courtney blurted out in church that she had to pee-pee. Thankfully, those sitting closest had a sense of humor!).
So, it goes without saying I was exhausted from our fun-filled weekend. Yet after scanning through the images on my camera, I couldn't help but get teary-eyed as the precious photos of my children flashed before my face. I turned and looked at each of them sleeping in the backseat of our suburban and realized the greatest joy of our weekend was being together as a family, celebrating Jesus' resurrection. It was truly a priceless moment!
As I read your posts, the realization of your maturity is phenomenal. I am so proud of the things you have achieved and the goals you have set for yourself. It is truly amazing!!!!!!
Thank you, Mom! I'm so glad you are enjoying my blog. Looking back on my thirty-two years of life, I had such great examples to follow that were set by you and Dad and plenty of difficult experiences to help me mature as a person. Your support and encouragement means so much, and I appreciate all you do for my family!