Today is the beginning of Spring Break for my oldest spunky monkey, so needless to say I am looking forward to spending as much time with her as possible.
Yet before I head outdoors to enjoy some fun in the sun with my family, I want to share my two cents on the query process in general, and also include a tidbit of how I've remained focused during the few weeks of querying.
Just a recap from a previous post: the query letter is your calling card, your way of pitching the book to a handful of agents that you've researched thoroughly before submitting.
After following several blogs of first time authors, I've learned the query process usually takes anywhere from a few weeks, to months, to even years before finding the perfect agent. This may seem unbearable to many, but after enduring two years of fertility treatment and months of bedrest with different pregnancies, I have acquired an astounding amount of resilience toward uncertainty.
And with the support of my husband, children, friends, and family, I have remained focused on the important things in life. Yes, becoming a successful novelist is a goal I hope to reach, but I don't allow it to master over my involvement with family and friends.
So, I hope you found something encouraging from reading today's post and remember that rejection is not the end of the world. I believe in one form or another, it is a gift from God. After all, He knows what's best for our lives!
Have a great week, everyone! Tory
This is such a nice post. I'm glad that your family is still a priority. :) (Your kids are adorable, by the way.) Best of luck querying!